Oats and Berries

Stars colored like the rainbow dangle on my back porch.  Thanksgiving has not even arrived and I have Christmas lights up too, right along the rim where my stars shine.  Actually, they are up all year, I love the LED lights, mostly for my husband, so he does not fret that I leave them on.

Where I live;  two worlds coexist this time of the year.  Just perfect! In the day it is summer, swimming and gardening.  Morning and evening it is the start of Fall.  I take my early morning coffee outside while the birds and their babies are chirping and looking for food in the grass. Lizards are hiding. Hummingbirds cleaning the grape vines, Morning Glories are also peeking out their twirls next to the yellow tea roses, eggplants in bloom and basil blowing kisses in the breeze, love this time of year in AZ.  I feel like I can accomplish so much, even if I don't:)

As I was planning my menu for this week, a day behind, but it is so beautiful outside..... anyway, got a little distracted and decided to make some Oatmeal bars for the family.  They are one of those treats that are healthy, yummy, and so easy to keep out for a few days (if they last that long).  I used to make them for a study group I was in, I made them so often I knew the recipe by heart, and they are easy that even a mistake is delicious.  When my kids were younger, before I heard of Nutrigrain bars, this was my version of something quick, sweet, and on the go.  Filled with blackberry preserves from Trader Joes. Crumbly with oats and butter. I am one of those people who prefer the taste of butter and less sweet when possible.  I know they say you ought to use unsalted butter, not really sure why, but I use the salted kind, I like it, and thus far have had no problems, I suppose I am "in" now with the rave over salted carmel or has that passed already??? Never mind back to the oat bars.  I also break another rule, I use old fashioned oats for these, I have no other reason except that is what I keep at home instead of the quick oats, otherwise we eat steel cut.

This recipe can be cut in half (a version from a Better Homes and Garden cookbook inspired me to make this).
Set the oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease with butter a glass square baking dish.
2 1/4 cups of old fashioned oats
2 cups of All-Purpose flour (don't pack down, just scoop into cup and level off with a shake)
1 cup of butter (2 sticks, barely soft)
1 cup of brown sugar (packed)
1/2 tsp. of baking soda,
1/2 jar of blackberry preserves from Trader Joes or any fruit cooked of choice

You know the drill, this is done without power tools mix everything except the fruit, I use a butter knife to cut the butter in it all, till it resembles crumbs about the size of peas. It takes me about 2 minutes, or more if I am slow.
Lay 2/3 of mixture in baking dish press down,  spread out the preserves or fruit, and do not go to close to edge (it could burn).  Lay the rest of it on top, do not press down over preserves, but do touch it lightly otherwise it will be a crumbly mess, no big deal, but if you are cutting these up and having kids walking around with them, well, you will find oats for a while.

Bake  for 30 minutes.  Cool for about 10, cut into squares.  Enjoy.
