
    Fresh Fruit, especially Plums whisper Summer to me.... When I was a little girl my Mom used to make plum pies and they were delicious, of course after the eleventh time I wanted something else. Ten year old's have such little appreciation for mastery, I suppose that is why cheap candy can make them so happy.

    I remember my brother and I would have to sit out at the Patio dining table to eat our slice, having kids of my own I understand this, back then, no clue.  It didn't matter, the pie was still tart on the tips of my tongue and inner cheeks. I had a mixed relationship with this sensation, none the less a complete love affair with most desserts so this did not discourage me.

    One mid morning, I had a friend over for swimming and we were served a slice of fresh plum pie, (always fresh, never lasted till the end of the second day).  I was accustom to strange looks from my age group when I would share what I thought was yummy, but often validated when they had a taste, if they dared, many kids just don't sample much outside of commercial realm.

    I knew they liked it as they were silently consuming their last bite, and then suddenly an announcement "ouch"!  My mother's food had many adjectives attached to it, but never this one.  Of the entire pie, one tiny eggshell piece found its way in..... to my friends mouth!

    I still love Plums cooked in pastry, but I hesitate to marry it with eggs, so Crostata's is how my family will remember my plum love affair.
