Chocolate, chocolate

I love chocolate, just like many of us do, and I try to find ways to enjoy it more with less sweetness, but not to the point of bitterness.  You know how chocolate can be sharp sometimes? I think I have found a good balance over time.

This tart is adorable in it's rectangular form and with Strawberries on top, hmmm, who could ask for more?  Oh me!!! I have also made this round with almond slivers and I enjoy trying with different liquors in the recipe.

Chocolate Mousse Tart (rectangular)

1 cup of 56% dark chocolate chips (The ones from Costco) melted with warm whipping cream 1 cup and ½
1 tablespoon of rum.... I have also used Kirsch (has a cherry flavor) and Grand Marnier 
1 tsp of vanilla
1 pinch of fleur de sel salt

¼ cup of unsweetened whipping cream whipped and folded in mixture once cooled, poured into unsweetened graham cracker crust chilled in rectangular tart pan and then topped with halved strawberries served with a small dollop of whipped cream, hmmmm.  

Graham cracker crust:
I make mine with one sleeve of crackers, chop in food processor (a small one), and 1/4 cup of butter.  Press to pan, and then refrigerate to set.  

Please remember to add the whipped cream, it lightens the texture, and serve with unsweetend or flavored whipping cream. I made this for my son's 19th birthday.  I was looking up mousse tarts and only found mouse and tarts, but to have both, and not cooking well, I just put it together. I saw a picture on Pinterest that inspired me with the strawberries (see link at bottom) :)  

This is the round one, now with this one I made it more towards a pudding by adding more whipping cream, 1/2 cup to be exact, and I also ran out of graham crackers so I added rice crispy's to the crust as well, it gave it a nice chewy texture.  Enjoy!!
