Size Doesn't Matter

     It is that time of the year when we bake or make sweet treats.  Some are traditional and some whimsical, some both at the same time. I often make baklava, that is traditional for me since I am half Turkish.  I made my own recipe for it, since I didn't like the ones I found with simple sugar.  I love honey and think that that is all the sweetness necessary.  Well, that is another post..
     Peanut butter bathed in 60% Giradelli's chocolate. Often they seem too dense for me and hit my tummy like an undigested ball of dough.  Not this time.  I found a recipe that lightens them up with Rice Krispy's.
    Looking at the recipe it is quite simple, a friend of mine gave me this and of course I had to modify (most sweets are too sweet for me).  I will say as easy as it was, try not to make this in front of others,  it may remind them of a bad moment with all the melted chocolate everywhere.  When I say everywhere I am including myself, up to my elbows and apparently specks on my face as well.
      To me, painting, rolling, smearing or whatever you choose to do to put the chocolate on top of the balls is the most challenging part of this recipe. I would say one worked better than the other, but not sure if that will be true the next time. If you find a better way to do this please do share, I have to make more and would love a better way.
      Rolling was a great idea, just didn't roll... :),  refrigerating the peanut butter mixture and warm chocolate was the best, but it did require many towels for drying my hands since often I missed some chocolate.
      I think this makes 40, but as for me it made 20.  After all, most people will consume between 2-4 anyway, why not make them larger?  These are about hand size.
 Chocolate covered Peanut butter baseballs:)

2 cups of creamy peanut butter (I used Skippy)
3 cups of Rice Krispy cereal ( just scoop, I didn't level)
2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
1/4 cup of melted butter
 Mix all that in a bowl, use whatever you like to mix, I did use a spatula, and then my hands, also, use glass or metal bowl, this is an oily substance and will leave a residue behind on most plastics except the really hard kind.
 Melt chocolate about 3-3 1/2 cups of chocolate chips (I used 60%, you can use any you like.)
After the peanut butter mixture is done, refrigerate for about 30 minutes, till completely firm, then when you take them out melt the chocolate (microwave or double boiler, remember they will not be out of shape till you run a utensil through, so don't over cook if using microwave).
  Make your peanut butter balls shape using your hands and place back into bowl, I made about 4-5 at a time and then applied chocolate and then placed on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper.

  What worked best for me was to use a teaspoon and hold the ball in my hand and turned as the chocolate was being applied smoothly, then I turned the ball and did again, then placed on parchment and covered my spots from  fingers, they do look lumpy, but worked out well.  Also, as big as I was making them (I could not do this 40 times) the extra chocolate coating is a plus.Refrigerate them to harden, and do store them in the refrigerator as well.  These are wonderful, and when you share them, make no excuses or explanation for their size, for it doesn't matter, they are delicious!
Beautiful Chocolate!

This is the smear I spoke of, my arms were covered in it as well, by the way this did not work for me.
9 x 13 cookie sheet

Missed some finger prints.. .still delicious and I rather like the swirls vs. smooth look.
