Hint of Cheese, ok a bit more...

     Potatoes Au Gratin, I suppose that means there must be cheese and bread crumbs?  But I don't like bread crumbs on my potatoes and I still want to call them au gratin, is that incorrect?  I am not certain.
      I cook for a hobby, not trained in a sterile kitchen with a certificate of some sort.  I do suppose the language requires uniformity since it is how we understand one another.  I still believe I can make my crust an actual crust without the crumbs.  I am bold to say this, especially since I have not ever made potatoes au gratin before.
      I had some red potatoes I needed to use up before a leaf peeping trip.  I thought this would be a nice way to use them.  I do not peel my red potatoes, part of the reason I buy the colors, it gives my laziness justification, for after all, aren't the colors good for you?  I believe they are. I sliced 5 potatoes thinly. I still do not use my Mandolin enough.  I like the feeling of a knife in my hand slicing whatever it is I am making. Gives me a sense of relationship with my food,  bonding time.  First I painted my square dish with extra-virgin olive oil (I would rather eat that then a spray that is under pressure). Then using a small sauce pan I melted salted butter (3 tablespoons) and  added 3 tablespoons of flour to that (made a rue).  I added about a cup of milk, whisked that in, then  shredded some extra-sharp cheddar cheese, about one fluffly handful amount, and about two fingers worth of parmesan cheese. Which I whisked into the milk, all this whisking took place off of the heat.  Then layered my potatoes, any thicker slices on the bottom, and any slices not so pretty joined the thicker ones.
     Layered two levels then added milk mixture, and then with each additional layer I spooned some of the milk mixture and continued till about 1/2 an inch from the top of the dish.  (I don't like to clean my oven so I do my best to not make a mess.)  Then I poured the remainder on top and a little shredded cheese that I held back on top as well.
     Slowly in the oven on 300 degrees Fahrenheit. baked for almost two hours.  Guess what? A crust is formed
