A Slice of Heaven................

Until 2 months ago I had no idea one could purchase the wheat berry in whole grain, grind it and within three hours have 5 fresh loaves of homemade wheat bread.  (Thank you Debbie) Why does everyone not do this? They freeze well, slice easily when refrigerated first (I know, I cut the loaf myself with a simple bread knife~ no machine), and even the picky eaters eat it without any complaints (testimony from a neighbor who's grandson lives on white bread, crustless).  Also, this bread does not stay in your gut, it is so fresh and healthy it makes its way throughout your system:)

Well, with a little more experience I have found that there is a wonderful machine out there known as the Nutrimill that is a just that, an in-home mini mill, about the size of a typical juicing machine.  One part makes the grain into flour and there is a setting dial for how fine you would like the flour, we picked the medium setting for the bread. Three pounds milled in about 5-7 minutes.  Then there is this other machine to put the flour in, and add all the ingredients.  We used 2/3 olive oil, 2/3 honey, 3 heaping tsps. of yeast, 6 cups of flour, 6 cups of water, and some salt (4 pinches of sea salt), this part mixes for about 20 minutes and then more flour is added about 8 cups more till the dough pulls away from the sides when the handles are moving. All combines and then rests for 30 minutes, then oil the counter and pull this out of the machine and start punching.  Then with your fingers sort out 5 even loafs and take each portion and let out all your might to slam it to the counter.  The idea is to get the air out, then loaf it (put in pans).  Cover with towel and let rest for 30 minutes.  The dough will rise above the pans, during this time the oven has heated to 350 F. Place all 5 in oven and bake for 30 minutes.

The first warm loaf is kindred to a bottle of champagne used to Christen a boat.  No need to call members of your home, they magically find themselves in the kitchen full of deep breaths and amazement.  Slice one loaf (slices about equal to two slices for the first loaf),  toast in toaster oven or broil in oven and when slightly crisp, lather with butter and glisten with honey.  Hmmm.... let all your senses enjoy, and share this moment of victory with whomever you are with at the moment.
(Special thanks to my sister in the Lord Debbie, this is her recipe, and I am sure the special ingredient in all homemade loaves is love. )
