The Morning of the Eve

The day of the eve of the New Year. It is common that we all recognize this day as some turning point in our lives.  Oddly to me it is not.  I go to a get together or party (which ever we wish to call it, I think it has to do with the number of people and alcohol?). Tonight it is a get together.

  They are good friends, one of those family friends that one makes on their own when raising kids, and luckily enough we all get along, the mom and I and the kids (practically grown now). The dads never did, but weren't around enough to matter, sort of like the sitting chair in the living room that never gets sat in, but is not in the way, so it remains therel.....I suppose till one moves? 

My enjoyment is creating things from minimal ingredients, food in this case.  Appetizers, finger food, or hors d'oeuvres, for this celebration they are the meal not before or outside of the meal.  Samples of quiche, mini tacos, to anything that can pop in ones mouth (when not steaming hot) are presented in stores by the elderly this time of the year.  I already know that is not how I want to spend my retirement. 

Deciding what to make was the challenge since I prefer to make my own, it is easier to accept compliments that way.  Vegetables roughly chopped sauteed in olive oil and butter for a Bruschetta is one (my own combination, pictures will follow), and a recipe found on line for sausage balls. I think I am calling them puffs for this evening? 
 The one I found on line has cream cheese in them to keep moist.  I knew this was something to look out for; at a staff breakfast a colleague brought some in, I privately hacked one out.  It was a dense, flavorless dry sphere no doubt would have consumed all my moisture on its way down and repeat for the remainder of the day.  Odd that I would choose this to make, but I found everyone likes some kind of fat meat during this time of the year, and I do enjoy the challenge. What mine will taste like I am not certain, but dry they will not be.
